G. Pape

socklog - installation

Since version 0.3.0, socklog installs into /package.

Check that you have the recent version of runit installed.

Download socklog-2.1.0.tar.gz into /package and unpack the archive

 # cd /package
 # gunzip socklog-2.1.0.tar
 # tar -xpf socklog-2.1.0.tar
 # rm socklog-2.1.0.tar
 # cd admin/socklog-2.1.0
On solaris read using socklog on solaris before proceeding.

Compile and install the socklog programs

 # package/install
If you want to make the man pages available in the /usr/local/man/ hierarchy, do:
 # package/install-man
To report success:
 # mail pape-socklog-2.1.0@smarden.org <compile/sysdeps
If you use socklog regularly, please contribute to the project.

Refer to Configuration for configuring and setting up socklog services.

Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org>
$Id: install.html,v 1.49 2006/03/06 12:56:33 pape Exp $